How to build a prototype of your product in under 24 hours

Describe what a prototype is and different strategies for building one...

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this is where you dream outside what users are thinking. Henry ford faster horse comment fits here


Kevin grew up in a mid-sized city. He’s been talking to some friends lately who have be bemoaning how difficult it is to get around the city. Kevin, being the visionary that he is, recognized this as a problem statement. He took out his notebook and wrote down “residents in urban centers aren’t able to get around the city” (Kevin knew he needed to start with a problem, not a solution).

As Kevin has dreamed about how to solve this problem, he’s grown excited about the prospect of building a car specifically designed to help with urban transportation. He can see it in his mind. It will be an electric vehicle that can be inexpensive because the battery doesn’t need much range and it only needs to carry one or two people to help with the morning and afternoon commute. Kevin has drawings of this car in his notebook. He has told all of his friends about this car. He’s even had dreams about this car.

Everything inside of him wants to start building this car today.

But instead, he forces himself to ask the question “what are all the possible ways to improve getting around urban centers”.